Friday, April 19, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday (#3)

--- 1 ---
The weather has been beautiful all week here in upstate New York. James and I have managed to go on a couple walks. Even today, although it's windy and the sky looks like it could open up at any moment, I still have the patio door open because the temperature is fabulous.


--- 2 ---
I'd like to take the time to thank you all for reading my posts about my healing from my C-section. It felt good to get that all out in the open. Thank you for being so understanding. In case you missed them, here are some links:

My first Ignitum Today article

How getting sick again helped me

How my son's baptism helped me

--- 3 ---
Spiritual direction was pretty much required at my grad school for everyone in my program. Upon graduation, they highly recommended that everyone in ministry have a spiritual director. Now, I don't really have a ministry right now unless you include motherhood or this blog, but I do have a spiritual director. My meetings with her have been very good. She challenges me a lot to let God in to places of my heart or my life that haven't been opened in a while. I mention all of this because I would  recommend that anyone in ministry have a spiritual director. I got in contact with mine through the Spiritual Renewal Center. Yes, this future lay Dominican is getting spiritual direction from a Franciscan Sister. Don't knock it. It works for us.

--- 4 ---
It's official, my son likes blonds. We've already noticed that he stares at blond haired women and gives them his best smile. He watches intently TV shows that feature them. Once, during Holy Week, I put on EWTN and there was a blond woman playing the keyboard and singing. My son silently watched her until the credits rolled and then he started yelling at me like, "What just happened? I was watching that!"

What makes it all official though was yesterday at Mass. James tried the entire service to talk to a two-year-old blond girl. Every time he faced her, he looked straight at her jabbering away so, of course, I tried to keep his face pointed the opposite direction. I also tried not to crack up. It was too freaking cute. She kept saying "baby, baby," staring completely fascinated by my son and my son tried so hard to talk back. I didn't know you could have such a preference when you aren't even a year old.

--- 5 ---
When we got home from church yesterday I tried once again to get my son to eat baby food. I told him, "I'm sure that cute little girl is eating real food by now." My son didn't care.

Actually not James. Looks a lot like him though.

--- 6 ---
My son doesn't care. Just like a honey badger. (explicit language warning)

--- 7 ---
Seriously now, researching for the post I'm gonna publish later, I came across some cool stuff:

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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