Friday, March 22, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday #1

--- 1 ---
I got accepted this week for an internship! It's with Feminists for Life, a pro-life feminist organization as the name suggests. They work toward helping women to eliminate the reasons why women feel forced to have abortions. For example, they have a college outreach program in which they work with schools to make it easier for pregnant and parenting students like having a daycare for them and being flexible with school work. My job will be working with the college outreach program and working on their quarterly magazine, The American Feminist. As their motto says, "Women deserve better than abortion." I wasn't expecting to get the internship because I've already graduated from school and I figured they would be looking for people still in school to work on their campuses. I'm so excited for the coming few months!
--- 2 ---
Yes, pro-life feminists do exist. I'm one of them. I've been one of them for a while, but since my son was born unexpectedly, I've developed a passion for it. I talk more about that in my little rant here.
--- 3 ---
And here is a more recent picture of my little bundle of joy:

The little one, not the big one. The big one is my husband.

--- 4 ---
I've been having a blast leading a Bible study at my church. Right now, we're using the Year of Faith study by Fr. Mitch Pacwa. I'm leaning toward our next study being of the Theology of the Body. No, that wouldn't strictly speaking be a Bible study. We'll see how my time management goes. Maybe I can do a more traditional Bible study, too.
--- 5 ---
Next month is C-section awareness month. I'm sure I will talk about this a few times over the next month. I wanted to let you know that ICAN of Syracuse will be hosting an exhibit "Cesarean Stories" at the Basic Baby at Shoppingtown Mall here in Syracuse. The opening night will be April 13th. If you're in the area and you're interested in learning more about c-sections, I hope to see you there.
--- 6 ---
I still think this video is hilarious. Find out how to become Pope here:

--- 7 ---
And this YouTube channel has other gems. Check out this one about 8 common animal misconceptions:

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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