Thursday, March 17, 2016
My two favorite things: A Review of The Salvation of Doctor Who
This was a great little book! Of course, I'm biased on two counts: I'm a huge Doctor Who fan and a total theology nerd. So to see the two together in one book...that fact alone made me very happy.
Matt Rawle uses Doctor Who, mainly New Who, to illustrate a number of fundamental theological points. I'm Catholic and I can tell you, the theological issues discussed here were so basic, it was no problem that the author is a Methodist pastor. I give this book my seal-of-approval for fellow Catholics who are weary of reading theological books by Protestants.
I did think of connections that he didn't make. Also, I did think some of the connections he made were a bit of a stretch. But none of that was bad enough to make me dislike the book.
It was a good call of the author to concentrate mainly on New Who, although I could see some Old Who fans being disappointed. Concentrating on New Who makes the book more accessible to a wider audience. People like me who were introduced to Doctor Who through the new run are more familiar with New Who than Old Who.
I do have a bit of a confession. Since I wasn't reading this book as part of a small group, I didn't read the questions in the back so I don't have an opinion on those. I live in Upstate NY, so if anyone is doing a small group study up here, let me know. I'm game.
I was given the opportunity to read this book through my membership in Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Abingdon Press for publishing such an awesome little book. This book is available now at your favorite bookseller.
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